Friday, February 18, 2011

Mommy's Little Bronco Girl

Just as Jordan has been a Denver Broncos fan from birth, Ava is following in his footsteps and showing her love. With a cheerleader this cute, how could we not win the Superbowl this year.......OK I'll take a winning season and a better coach!

Bath Time!

Contrary to the look on her face Ava enjoyed her new tub, she laughed and long as I kept my hand on her. As soon as I reach for the camera, this is the face I get. Maybe she knows these are future blackmail pictures :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Love Those Bears

Ava really loves the bear mobile on her cradle. In the beginning she would just stare at them, now she's all about "talking" to them and trying to reach them.

My Poor Baby

This is what happens to Ava when she's left in the care of Daddy and Jordan. Propped on pillow fast asleep while they laugh and take wrong!

Puzzle Master

Jordan has become quite the puzzle master. He's up to 100 pieces. We usually give the big ones to do when we're trying to watch some TV that doesn't include talking animals

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Playdate Fun

We had a visit from Shannon and her two boys, Brian and Brendon this week. Jordan was very excited to have some playmates in the house his age. He talked about playing with friends the rest of the day.