Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Road Trip!

In an effort to continue celebrating Jordan's birthday we decided to take a trip to our nations capital for a the circus and a little sight seeing. Unfortunately we weren't able to see everything we wanted but we did get to the circus, two Smithsonian Museums as well as picnic at the National Mall.
Jordan was absolutely in heaven at the Museum of Natural History where he got to see dinosaurs!

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Birthday Boy

Today we celebrated Jordan's 2nd birthday. It's still hard for me to believe he is two already. We started the morning off with a trip to Kangaroo Jac's. A few hours of running, jumping and sliding wore us all out.

Jordan enjoyed every minute!

We decided not to have the big party like last year instead we had cake, ice cream and presents with Mommy, Daddy and Grandma.
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Daddy's Home!!

After six long months, both Jordan and Mommy were very happy to see Daddy. Jordan wasn't sure what to think when he first saw him but it didn't take long to back into the swing of things.

Daddy sat down and read Jordan's favorite book.....several times :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!

With the first day of March came Jordan's first snow storm!! We got about 7 inches of snow overnight. He was so excited to wake up and see the trees and ground covered in snow. We made our first trip out to check the mail. He had been looking out the window all morning saying "outside, outside"

Jordan soon realized the temperature difference. He was not too happy about his inability to walk in it. The excitement for snow turned into " No Outside!"